Installation guide

1. At the detailed menu for the cluster (below the clu st ers menu), click Sh ared Fen ce
Devices. Clicking Sh ared Fen ce Devices causes the display of the fence devices for a
cluster and causes the display of menu items for fence device configuration: Ad d a Fen ce
Device and Co n f ig u re a Fen ce Device.
If this is an initial cluster configuration, no fence devices have been created, and
therefore none are displayed.
2. Click Ad d a Fen ce Device. Clicking Ad d a Fen ce Device causes the Add a Sharable
Fence Device page to be displayed (refer to Figure 3.1, “Fence Device Configuration ).
Fig u re 3.1. Fen ce D evice Co n f ig u rat io n
3. At the Add a Sharable Fence Device page, click the drop-down box under Fen cin g
T yp e and select the type of fence device to configure.
Red Hat Ent erprise Linux 5 Clust er Administ rat ion
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