Installation guide

Removed --live option and note from SR-IOV chapter.
Revisio n 0.5- 15 T h u rs 5 Ju n e 2014 T ah lia Rich ard so n
Removed unnecessary screenshots.
Revisio n 0.5- 14 Mo n 2 Jun e 2014 Tahlia Rich ard so n
Amended vCPU maximum to 240 in virt restrictions chapter.
Revisio n 0.5- 13 T h u rs 29 May 2014 Tahlia Rich ard so n
Moved Hyper-V info from Admin guide to Hyper-V section of this book.
Revisio n 0.5- 12 T h u rs 29 May 2014 Tahlia Rich ard so n
Updated the link in the Hyper-V section and removed mention of LIS version number (LIS is built in
now so version number and download link are irrelevant).
Revisio n 0.5- 11 Wed 21 May 2014 T ah lia Rich ard so n
Edited KVM Para-virtualized Drivers chapter based on SME feedback (BZ #1094107).
Revisio n 0.5- 10 T h u rs 15 May 2014 T ah lia Rich ardson
Combined "para-virtualized devices" and "PCI device assignment restrictions" into one "PCI
devices" section in Restrictions list (BZ#891154).
Clarified default device configuration (BZ #918341).
Revisio n 0.5- 09 T u es May 13 2014 Tah lia Rich ard son
Minor fixes to virt-install instructions (BZ #831157).
Removed duplicate text (BZ #1096501).
Revisio n 0.5- 08 T u es No v 19 2013 T ah lia Rich ard so n
Version for 6.5 GA release.
Revisio n 0.5- 07 Frid ay Sep t 27 2013 Tah lia Rich ard son
Fixed typos, updated links, other general maintenance.
Revisio n 0.5- 06 T h u rsday Sep t 19 2013 T ah lia Rich ard so n
Added more supported CPU models (BZ #1008992) and a note on the -cpu ? command.
Added information from BZ #1009186.
Revisio n 0.5- 04 Wed n esd ay Sep t 18 2013 T ah lia Rich ard so n
Added a note on maximum disk sizes to step 6a in Procedure 7.1.
Revisio n 0.5- 03 Mo n d ay Sep t 16 2013 T ah lia Rich ard so n
Added a note on supported memory to chapter 3.1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 support limits.
Revisio n 0.5- 02 Fri Sep t 13 2013 T ah lia R ich ard so n
Fixed typo in ch. 8.1 On VMware ESX.
Revisio n 0.5- 01 Wed Ju ly 31 2013 T ah lia Rich ard so n
Added VMWare driver info as per BZ #909030.
Revisio n 0.4 - 54 T u es Feb 19 2013 Tah lia R ich ard so n
Version for 6.4 GA release.
Revision Hist ory