Installation guide

6. Clo se t h e in st aller
The following screen is displayed when installation is complete:
Fig u re 10.15. Th e Up d at e Driver So f t ware wiz ard
Click C lo se to close the installer.
7. Rebo o t
Reboot the virtual machine to complete the driver installation.
10.3. Inst alling drivers during t he Windows inst allat ion
This procedure covers installing the virtio drivers during a Windows installation.
This method allows a Windows guest virtual machine to use the virtio drivers for the default storage
Pro ced u re 10.3. In st allin g virt io d rivers d u ring t h e Win d ows in st allat io n
1. Install the virtio-win package:
# yum install virtio-win
2. Creat in g t h e g u est virt u al mach in e
Red Hat Ent erp rise Linux 6 Virt ualiz at ion Host Configurat ion and G uest Inst allat ion G uide