
CHAPTER 2 Installing VMware GSX Server
You can also use vmware-config.pl to reconfigure the networking options
for VMware GSX Server — for example, to add or remove host-only networks.
6. Press Enter to read the end user license agreement (EULA). You may page
through it by pressing the space bar. If the Do you accept prompt doesn’t
appear, press Q to get to the next prompt.
7. Configure networking for your virtual machines.
If you want to use any type of networking with virtual machines, answer Yes to
this prompt: Do you want networking for your virtual
Bridged networking is always enabled if you enable networking. For more
information about bridged networking, see Bridged Networking in the
VMware GSX Server Virtual Machine Guide.
To enable NAT, answer Yes to the following prompts:
Do you want to be able to use NAT networking in your
virtual machines?
Do you want this script to probe for an unused
private subnet?
This allows you to connect your virtual machines to an external network when
you have only one IP network address on the physical network, and that
address is used by the host computer. For more information, see Network
Address Translation (NAT) in the VMware GSX Server Virtual Machine Guide.
To enable host-only networking, answer Yes to the following prompts:
Do you want to be able to use host-only networking
in your virtual machines?
Do you want this script to probe for an unused
private subnet?
Host-only networking allows for networking between the virtual machine and
the host operating system. For more information, see Host-Only Networking
in the VMware GSX Server Virtual Machine Guide.
8. Specify the port the VMware Virtual Machine Console uses when connecting to
the GSX Server host remotely. Port 902 is the default port. If your site uses this
port for another application — for example, ideafarm-chat uses this port
— then specify a different port for the console to use here. To change the port
later, see Changing the Port Number for VMware Virtual Machine Console
Connections on page 109.