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Handy Palm
RED HEART® Scrubby
Cotton™: 1 ball each 7365 Tan
A, 7501 Caribbean B, and 7100
Cotton C
Susan Bates® Crochet Hook:
6mm [US J-10].
Yarn needle
GAUGE: Rounds 1–4 = 3" [7.5
cm] wide x 4" [10 cm] long.
any size hook to obtain the
Scrubby Cotton™:
Art. E854 available
in solid color 3.5 oz (100 g)
145 yd (133 m), prints 3 oz (85
g) 121 yd (110 m) balls
Designed by Randy Cavaliere
What you will need:
These quick to crochet scrubbies are just
the right size to fit in your hand for a special
relaxing face or body rub. They are perfect
as a gift with spa-like accessories like a
candle, towel or moisturizing soap
Scrubby measures about 4" [10 cm]
wide and 5" [12.5 cm] long.
1. Scrubby is made in 3 pieces: Two
pads and one strap.
2. Both pads are worked in joined
rounds. The strap is worked back and
forth in rows.
3. To change color, work last stitch of
old color to last yarn over. Yarn over
with new color and draw through all
loops on hook to complete stitch.
Proceed with new color. Cut old color.
4. To minimize weaving in ends, draw
ends to wrong side of pads and
encase between pads as joining
round progresses.
5. Yarn quantities are sufficient to make
2 scrubbies, one using A as main
color and C as edging and strap color
and a 2nd using B as main color and
C as edging and strap color.
SCRUBBY (make 2: 1 each with A
& C and B & C)
First Pad
With first color, ch 2 loosely.
Round 1 (wrong side): (3 sc, 3 hdc, 3 sc,
3 hdc) in 2nd ch from hook; join with
slip st in first sc, turn—6 sc and 6 hdc.
Round 2 (right side): Ch 2 (counts as
first hdc here and throughout), hdc in
first hdc, 2 hdc in each of next 2 hdc, sc
in next 3 sc, 2 hdc in each of next 3 hdc,
sc in last 3 sc; join with slip st in top of
beginning ch, turn—6 sc and 12 hdc.
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, sc in next 2
sts, *2 dc in each of next 2 sts, dc in next
2 sts, 2 dc in each of next 2 sts*, sc in
next 3 sts; repeat from * to * once; join
with slip st in first sc, turn—6 sc and 20
Round 4: Ch 2, hdc in first dc, 2 hdc in
next 9 sts, sc in next 3 sts, 2 hdc in next
10 sts, sc in last 3 sts; join with slip st in
top of beginning ch, turn—6 sc and 40
Fasten off.
Second Pad
Work same as first pad; at end of Round
4, change to C, do not turn or fasten off.
Joining Round (right side): Hold both
pads with wrong sides together and
sts matching, working through both
thicknesses, ch 1, sc in each st around;
join with slip st in first sc, turn. Do not
fasten off.
Hand Strap
Row 1: Ch 1, hdc in first 3 sc; leave
remaining sts unworked, turn—3 hdc.
Row 2: Ch 1, hdc in each st across, turn.
Repeat Row 2 until strap fits snugly but
comfortably across back of hand.
Last Row: Match sts in last row of strap
to 3 sts of Joining Round on opposite
side of pads (these Joining Round
sts were worked into sc sts of Round
4 of pads); working through both
thicknesses, slip st in the 3 sts. Fasten
Weave in ends.

Summary of content (2 pages)