User's Manual

AN-100U/UX Base Station
70-00058-01-04 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2010 Page 127 of 136 April 19, 2010
8.10 RF Troubleshooting
The terminal monitors the status of the outdoor modem and reports any fault conditions
in the system event log. The following table lists the general fault conditions reported by
the terminal.
Error Type
IF PLL Unlocked
The PLL (Phase Locked Loop) section within the terminal
experienced an error. The System Fault LED may light. Try
rebooting the base station.
Communication Error
Over IF Cable
Communication between the terminal and the modem failed.
Check the IF cable and connectors.
Outdoor Unit
Temperature is too
High. Air Interface
Disabled for 15 Minutes
The internal temperature of the modem is above 82C
(180°F). The modem shuts down to allow cooling.
Outdoor Unit Power
Supply Error
Displays a fault in the modem power supply. This error
could be due to a problem with the internal power supply or
with the power source from the terminal. If the 'Low DC
Voltage At Radio' error is also indicated, (see below) check
the IF cable and connectors. If the 'Low DC Voltage At
Radio' error is not indicated, the modem requires servicing.
Outdoor Unit 24V Error
The DC voltage at the modem (carried by the IF cable from
the terminal) is lower than the required 24 VDC. Check the
IF cable and connectors. The minimum required voltage for
operation is 12 VDC.
Air Interface Disabled
The radio is disabled.
Cable Compensation
The measured IF cable compensation is out of specification.
Invalid Radio
The attached radio is not compatible with this
Outdoor Unit 3.3V Error
The modem internal power supply is lower than the required
3.3 VDC.
8.11 Debug Mode
Debug mode is used for factory test and advanced troubleshooting. Logging in to the
Web GUI or Telnet session using the debug username and password provides access to
advanced configuration controls. Debug mode should be used only under the explicit
direction of Redline field service or their representatives. It is recommended to change
the debug mode default password to restrict access to this feature.