User's Manual

user manual
70-00035-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2004 November 2004
Page 94 of 104
The following tables describe the statistics available from the AN-30e.
Ethernet Statistics
Table 51: CLI - TDM Ethernet Statistics Commands
Statistic Description
ethpmac MAC Address
ethpmode Mode: 0-Half Duplex, 1-Full Duplex
ethprate Rate: 0-10 Mbps, 1-100 Mbps
ethpstate State: 0-not connected, 1-connected (link up)
ethsaerr Align errors
ethsbtok Bytes transmitted ok
ethscerr CRC errors
ethsfrok Frames transmitted ok
ethslcol Late collisions
ethsmcol Multiple collisions
ethsmfrok Frames received ok
ethsscol Single collisions
ethstdef Transmission deferred
tdethsbrok Bytes received ok
TDM Statistics
Table 52: CLI - TDM Statistics
Statistic Description
tdmsais SN Alarm indication signal
tdmscvc SN Code violation counter
tdmses SN Errored seconds
tdmsfec SN Framing error counter
tdmslfa Loss of framing alignment
tdmslomf Loss of multi framing
tdmslos Loss of signal
tdmsrai SN Subscriber alarm indication