User's Manual

user manual
70-00033-02 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2004 November 2004
Page 46 of 96
Link Distance [Miles or Km]: Distance between systems.
RF Status [Error Code]: An error code indicating the condition of the system RF
components. See the RF Status Error Code Table 24: RF Status Error Codes on
page 74 for details. Code zero is normal.
Ethernet MAC Address: MAC address of this terminal.
IP address: IP address for the this terminal
IP Subnet Mask: IP subnet mask.
Default Gateway Address: IP address of the default router / gateway.
Ethernet LAN Statistics:
Rx packets: Number of non-errored packets received.
Rx packets - Discarded: Number of errored packets received.
Tx Packets: Number of Ethernet packets transmitted.
Wireless Statistics:
Received Signal Strength: Min: Minimum RSSI measured since the last screen
Received Signal Strength: Mean: Average RSSI measured since the last screen
Received Signal Strength: Max: Maximum RSSI measured since the last screen
SINADR: Average signal to interference, noise and distortion ratio measured since
the last screen refresh. The ratio is based on the digital information provided from the
output of the A/D converter, and includes the effects of the AGC.
Rx Packets: Number of wireless packets received over the air from the remote-end
Rx Packets: Retransmitted: Number of wireless packets retransmitted from the
remote-end terminal.
Rx Packets: Discarded: Number of wireless packets originating from the remote-end
terminal received over the air with errors due to degradation in the RF link.
Tx Packets: Number of wireless packets (including Ethernet frames and error
correction bytes) successfully transmitted over the air by the local terminal.
Tx Packets: Retransmitted: Number of wireless packets retransmitted over the air by
the local terminal. The retransmission scheme is based on the Automatic Repeat
Request (ARQ) algorithm that detects when packets are lost, and makes a request to
the MAC scheduler to repeat transmission of the lost packets.
Tx Packets: Discarded: Total number of transmitted wireless packets discarded by
the remote-end terminal, due to degradation in the RF link.