Reference Manual

Redpine Signals, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Page 100
RS9116 n-Link Linux and Android
Technical Reference Manual
Version 2.0
19 PUF [ Physical Unclonable Functions ]
19.1 Introduction
PUF, is a technology which provides a secure method for storing a key, withstanding today’s attack and even protecting
against future potential attack. The purpose of PUF is to provide secure key storage without storing the key. Instead of
storing the key a Key Code is generated which in combination with SRAM startup behavior is used to reconstruct keys.
19.2 Configuration
This feature is default disabled in Host Driver. To use this feature, ensure that driver is compiled with below define
enabled in Makefile
19.3 PUF Operations and IOCTL Usage
19.3.1 PUF Enroll
This operation enrolls PUF. After successful operation Activation code will be either saved in flash or it will be sent to host.
The stored activation code shall be used for every further start operation on PUF.
19.3.2 PUF Start
This operation is used to start PUF. Once valid activation code is available PUF will be started. Start operation is must for
any further operation with PUF.
19.3.3 PUF Set Key
This operation is used for generating Key Code for the given key input.
19.3.4 PUF Set Intrinsic Key
This operation is used for generating Key Code for internally generated intrinsic key.
19.3.5 PUF Get Key
This operation is used for generating key for the given key code input.