Reference Manual

Redpine Signals, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Page 141
RS9116 n-Link Linux and Android
Technical Reference Manual
Version 2.0
32 Appendix G: Considerations need to be made during hostapd usage
32.1 Parameters updated from hostapd.conf file
The following are the parameters that will be updated from hostapd conf file instead of using onebox util ioctls.
Band Selection:To enable 40MHz for onebox-mobile AP using hostapd following params must be enabled in
hostap.conf file
ht_capab=[HT40-] (or) ht_capab=[HT40+]
Here ht_capab variable must be set as per the channel selected, description regarding this is available in hostap.conf
file, set_htconf ioctl will not work in case of hostapd.
Hidden ssid: To disable ssid broadcast in beacons for onebox-mobile AP using hostapd , use following variable in
hostapd.conf file.
Here hide_ssid ioctl will not work in case of hostapd.
DTIM Interval: To set dtim interval in beacons for onebox-mobile AP using hostapd, use following variable in
hostapd.conf file.
Here dtim_period iwprivioctl will not work in case of hostapd.
SHORT GI: To enable Short GI using hostapd following params must be enabled in hostap.conf file.
Here SHORT-GI iwprivioctl will not work in case of hostapd.
32.2 Paramaeters that will not get updated from hostapd.conf file
beacon_int : Beacon interval can not be set from hostapd.conf file. To change the default beacon interval, one should
issue beacon_intvl ioctl before creating VAP itself.