Reference Manual

Redpine Signals, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Page 22
RS9116 n-Link Linux and Android
Technical Reference Manual
Version 2.0
User needs to make sure of the module detection w.r.t interface being used. If the module is not detected, user will
end up with errors displayed on the console !
After issuing the above command, a virtual interface with the name "wifi0" will be created. You can view the list of
interfaces by entering the following command:
You can check whether the connection to the Access Point is successful or not, by running the following command:
The sample output of this command is
This command gives the status of the device. If the connection is successful, then the connected Access point SSID along
with the MAC address is displayed. If it is not connected to an Access point, a message "Not Associated" is displayed.
To view the list of Access Points scanned in each channel, you can run the following command in the "release" folder.
To obtain an IP address using DHCP, start the DHCP client by entering below commands. (1st command to remove entry
for existing dhcp and 2nd to create a new entry).
The sample output of dhclient command is given below