Reference Manual

Redpine Signals, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Page 79
RS9116 n-Link Linux and Android
Technical Reference Manual
Version 2.0
In the case
The following command scans all the 2G channels, 1-14 with periodicity of 5 seconds and active scan duration of 30ms.
The following command stops the host based scan.
User can create the client mode first followed by AP mode or viceversa.If driver is unloaded in between the virtual
interfaces created so far will be removed.For deleting particular virtual interface please follow th e below command.
Ex: ./onebox_util rpine0 delete_vap wifi0
You can create two VAPs at a time and then run corresponding supplicant command because supplicant command will be
differentiated by using the interface name user has mentioned while creating VAP.
13.1.3 State of the Station
To check the Station state, Use the below command.
The possible outputs are,
5. RUN
Error Msg:
In case the driver is unable to issue the ioctl, then the error message displayed
as : "ERROR! Unable to check STA State"
Description of output states,
1. INIT: This stage indicates, the STATION VAP is up, but it is not scanning. In case the station
disconnects from the AP, by default it will move to the INIT state. The user is expected to give the host_scan command to
initiate scanning.