User Manual

PHY Evaluation Test Utility
User Guide for Linux
3 Transmit Tests
In general, before performing any tests configure the PHY to operate in
the appropriate band. The transmit tests can be performed through a
utility called ‘transmit’ which is found under ‘release’ directory.
Configure the following parameters through this application before
running the tests.
Transmit power
Transmit data rate
Packet length
Transmit mode
Channel number
External PA-Enable/Disable
Rate flags
Aggregation flag
Number of packets to send in burst mode
Delay between the packets in burst mode
3.1 Application Usage
The application can be started in the following manner:
# cd release
# ./transmit <g> <r> <l> <m><c> <p> <f> <a> <n> <d>
<g> refers to Tx gain value for controlling transmit power.
<r> refers to Tx Rate.
<l> refers to length of the Tx packet
<m> refers to Transmit mode.
0 Burst Mode
1 Continuous Mode
<c> refers to Channel number
<p> refers to External PA-Enable/disable
<f> refers to Short GI, Greenfield and Channel Width.
<a> refers to enable/disable aggregation
<n> refers to number of packets to send in burst mode.
<d> refers to delay between packets in burst mode.