
a) Setting the Steering Trim
after a while. With the receiver system switched on, the servo
lever of the steering servo will turn step by step from the middle
position to the end of the trimming area.
Whenthe green LED stopsickering, the end of thetrimming
area has been reached and the servo lever stops.
Now push and hold the upper one of the two trim buttons (+) for
ing again after a while and the servo lever returns to the middle
and the set value is saved automatically.
The last value set is retained even after switching off and on.
When the middle position of the digital trim for steering has been set on the transmitter, the position of the servo lever
can be inspected at the steering servo and the lever installed in the correct position if required. Slight inclinations due
to the servo lever interlock can then be corrected with the trim.
Practical advice:
The trim for the steering function is exactly at the centre if the steering servo lever no longer moves if you
for this.
b) Setting the Driving Trim
When using a combustion engine with throttle/brake servo, the trim setting is made just as for the steering servo.
When using the electrical model with speed controller, the trim also needs to be set to the average value. If the speed
controller does not offer any option for teaching in the respective positions for forward, stop and reverse, the middle
position of the driving trim must be set so that the drive motor is off when the operating lever for the driving function
Figure 10