
7. Information on Batteries and Rechargeable Batteries
Although the use of batteries and rechargeable batteries is part of daily life nowadays, there are
numerous dangers and problems involved. Especially LiPo batteries with their high energy content
(in comparison to conventional NiMH batteries), require that various regulations must be observed;
otherwise they present an explosion and re hazard.
Therefore, observe always the information and safety instructions listed below when handling bat-
teries and rechargeable batteries.
• Keep batteries/rechargeable batteries out of the reach of children.
• Donotleavethebatteries/rechargeablebatterieslyingaroundopenly;thereisariskofthembeingswal-
lowed by children or pets. In such a case, consult a doctor immediately!
• Batteries/rechargeablebatteriesmustneverbeshort-circuited,takenapartorthrownintore.Thereis
• If not used for a longer time (e.g. during storage), remove the batteries/rechargeable batteries inserted in
the transmitter, to avoid damages from leaking batteries/rechargeable batteries. Disconnect completely
the drive battery from the speed controller and remove it from the vehicle.
• Leaking or damaged batteries/rechargeable batteries can cause acid burns when coming in contact with
skin, therefore use suitable protective gloves.
• Theuidsleakingoutofthebatteries/rechargeablebatteriesarechemicallyveryaggressive.Objects
or surfaces that come into contact may get damaged massively at times. Therefore, keep the batteries/
rechargeable batteries at a suitable location.
• Conventional(non-rechargeable)batteriesmaynotberecharged.Thereisariskofreandexplosion!
• When inserting the batteries/rechargeable batteries or when connecting a drive battery, observe the
correct polarity (plus/+ and minus/-).
• Nevermixbatterieswithrechargeablebatteries!Use,forexample,forthetransmitter,eitherbatteriesor
rechargeable batteries.
• Alwaysreplacethewholesetofbatteries/rechargeablebatteriesofthetransmitter.Donotmixfulland
half-full batteries/rechargeable batteries. Always use batteries or rechargeable batteries of the same
type and from the same manufacturer.
• Depending on the battery technology (NiMH, LiPo....), an appropriate battery charger is required. Never
• For charging multi-cellular LiPo batteries, a suitable balancer is required in good LiPo chargers this is
usually already built-in). A balancer (often referred to as equalizer) prevents overcharging of an individual
LiPo cell by checking the individual cell voltages.
• Onlychargeintactandundamagedbatteries.Iftheexternalinsulationofthebatteryorthebattery‘s
housing is damaged or the battery is deformed or bloated, do not recharged those under any circum-
• Do not charge the batterys immediately after use. Let the batteries always cool off (at least 5 - 10