Reflectix, Inc
Safety Data Sheet
Reflective Insulation
Double Reflective, Double Bubble
Product Name: RDB1
Synonyms: BP24010, BP24025, BP24050, BP24100, BP48010, BP48025, BP48050, BP48100,
BP48125, ST16025, ST16050, ST16100, ST24025, ST24050, ST24100, ST48025, ST48050,
ST48100, ST48125 and all products with a prefix of HVBP, HVST and HVSPW.
Product Use Description: Used to insulate from heat transfer in construction, HVAC, and multiple
OEM applications.
Company: Reflectix Inc.
PO Box 108, 1 School Street, Markleville, Indiana 46056
Company Contact Phone Number: 800-879-3645 ext. 101 For emergency and general information
8:00am to 4:30pm (Eastern Time)
Monday - Friday
Classifications: Not listed.
Hazardous Statements: OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200 requirements
for Material Safety Data Sheets do not apply to the product described in this information sheet. This
product is excluded as an article.
Precautionary Statements: None
Section 1: Identification
Section 2: Hazard(s) Identification

Summary of content (6 pages)