User Manual

RB3000 precision tonearm
Rega is renowned for the quality of its tonearm bearing
assemblies. In particular the accurate manufacturing of our
bearing housing and bearing spindles.
Technical characteristics such as “roundness” and
“parallelity” (the condition of being parallel) are critical. Over
the past three years Rega has found a new manufacturing
process which improves on all these characteristics resulting
in a micron perfect bearing t.
The RB3000 is the rst Rega arm to benet from these
improvements. The entire tonearm structure is designed
to have the minimum of mechanical joints while using the
stiffest materials in all critical areas.
Cartridge mounting and seing up the RB3000 tonearm
Firstly, ensure the cartridge xings are orientated correctly
according to the cartridge makers specication. Use the
cartridge alignment protractor (supplied) to accurately set
the position of the cartridge.
Note: When using any Rega cartridge featuring a three-
point mounting system, overhang is automatically set.
With the cartridge correctly mounted and with the stylus
guard removed, ensure that the tracking force dial (a) and
bias adjustment (b) are set to zero. Adjust the balance weight
(c) until the arm is “oating” with the stylus approximately
1mm clear of the record. Note: It is normal for the arm to
swing back towards the arm clip position even with the bias
set at zero. Therefore it is advisable to gently hold the arm
bearing carrier (just below the tracking dial) thus preventing
horizontal movement during the balancing procedure.
Once the arm is balanced, rotate the tracking force
adjustment dial to the required tracking force. Numbers ‘0’ to
‘3’ are marked on the dial. If in doubt, it is advisable to use a
tracking force that corresponds with the upper limits of the
cartridge manufacturer’s range.
Set the bias adjustment slider to the same gure as the
cartridge tracking force pressure quoted by your cartridge
manufacturer. Note: This is not critical and a gure between
1.0 & 1.5 will normally be suitable for moving magnet
cartridges and 1.5 & 2.0 for most moving coil cartridges.
0 1 2
Simply push the bias adjustment slider in to the required
setting, using the dotted line as your reference (as shown
Your arm is now balanced, setup and ready to use. If you
have any doubts regarding installation or setup, please
contact your ofcial Rega dealer who will be able to carry out
the work for you. Thank you for purchasing this Rega product
and we wish you many hours of musical enjoyment.