User Manual

Dear 212/SX Owner,
Thank you for your purchase of our 212/SX. We are well aware that the original 212/SE was held in such
high regard that it won the acclaim of essenally every major reviewer and was awarded Most Signicant
Products of the Past Twenty Years by three publicaons on two connents.
In redening the 212 plaorm, we sought to make it beer in every way by eliminang minor weaknesses
and improving on its considerable strengths. Our engineering and design team have developed a number of
products that in one small way or another eclipsed some aspect of the original’s performance.
The 212/SX is faster, beer controlled and quieter—meaning it resolves much ner details—than the
original. In doing so, it renders the SX more explosive and dynamic because the greater quietness, itself
the result of using carbon bre blades on the rear of each driver to sen and quiet, stretches the dynamic
envelope noceably.
We also implemented the PerfectFilter™ of the latest Serie S to extend and aen the extremely low
bass. As well as opmize the way the extreme upper bass transions into air and holographic detail in the
speakers soundstage.
Finally, we sought to crispen the design, making it slimmer, deeper and taller which resulted in ner control
of the backwave within the cabinet. The end result is a product beer in every way from its remarkable
predecessor, beer looking, beer performing in ways unique to REL, while beer resolving dynamic shadings.
Simply speaking, the 212/SX has stretched the performance and design envelope of the 212 range to take
advantage of the latest technologies and crasmanship we have learned. Finer, more beauful and beer
sounding confers a trait we have always been known for. Lasng Value.
John Hunter
Dear Friend and Valued Customer