User Manual

For dierenal (i.e. fully balanced) ampliers using one REL, simply use the standard connecng scheme
with the excepon of NOT connecng the black wire to a negave speaker terminal. Instead, it should
rst be allowed to “oat” or hang down without connecon to ANY terminal. Should hum occur using this
method, please try connecng to an unused RCA connector on the rear of a preamp or amplier. Please
contact your dealer should there be any quesons concerning this or any other hookup procedure.
NOTE: 212/SX models are equipped with internal circuitry to allow connecon to many Class D (digital) ampliers.
Warning: Do NOT connect the Black wire to the main Class D power ampliers speaker ground terminal.
Some Class D ampliers produce posive voltage at the ampliers speaker ground terminal (black) and
connecng the RELs ground will produce an undesirable shorng to ground. If connecng to
a Class D amplier, follow the above connecon procedure for dierenal ampliers.
Dierenal (i.e. Fully Balanced)