User Manual

Stereo Set-Up of REL 212/SX
Stereo Sub-Bass is advised for the fastest, clearest, deep bass—not for more output. Convenonal wisdom
has it that stereo subs results in between +3 and +6 db addional output depending upon posioning.
In and of itself, this is of only passing interest in most instances since even a single 212/SX is capable of
profound output. What then, is the point to adding a second stereo sub bass 212/SX?
In a word, clarity. Clarity that permits “seeing” back into the farthest reaches of the sound stage. Clarity that
illuminates all dimensions of the musicians and the space that they inhabit equally and enhances the natural
reality of a great full range system, as only RELs can. Stereo 212/SXs produce clarity, transparency, speed
and low level detail NOT just in the bass but throughout the enre spectrum of music.
When seng up stereo 212/SXs, it is possible to place both units in the front corners of the room, carefully
toed-in and placed per normal guidance in this manual. Connect each sub to the speaker terminal outputs
based on the following diagrams for standard stereo amp, non-balanced mono blocks or balanced dierenal
mono blocks.