User Manual

2 Carefully ne-tune the posion of the sub in its recommended locaon (slightly behind and to the out-
side of the main speaker) listening for rich powerful room nodes, but focusing on speed and connecon
with the main speaker. Since there will be a preponderance of output available to a stereo 212/SX owner,
focusing on connecon with and blending with the main speaker becomes the primary focus, not merely
raw output.
3 Once each sub has been carefully tuned, aach the cables for both subs. At this point, the output
achieved will be too loud and will require re-seng the volume/gain control of each 212/SX lower. This is
normal as the combined output is likely to be at least 3 db louder with both subs now being used. Start by
turning down each channel one click on the HI/LOW LEVEL control, carefully listen then adjust again unl
perfect balance is achieved. You will have to adjust on the rear of the RELs then walk back to the listening
posion to determine this balance.
Listening Chair
Normal Room
Listening Chair
Narrow Room