Operation Manual

4 If you do not know where the studs in your wall are located use a “studnder” (an inexpensive electronic
tool that uses electronic pulses to locate denser objects, like studs, behind the sheetrock).
5 If your wall is constructed out of a dierent material that does not use sheetrock and studs see number
6 and 7 in the below Seng Up secon for more details. You may have a wider selecon of locaons
for installaon.
6 Next we will discuss selecng the best locaon and proper sengs for Habitat1. Remember, Habitat1
MUST be mounted to studs so you will have to nd a balance between the best placement and the
nearest wall stud.
Seng Up
Part I will discuss how to select the best locaon for Habitat1:
Always set the Habitat1 on a clean sheet or towel to protect the nish.
1 Start by installing bracket A and bracket B to Habitat1 using supplied screws.
By having this bracket installed it will allow you to approximate the correct distance from the wall the
Habitat1 will sit when installed and therefore allow for accurate listening tests.
2 The Process: To begin the set-up process, choose a piece of music that has a repeve bass line that
is very low in frequency. We suggest track four from the soundtrack to Sneakers (Columbia CK 53146).
This has a repeve bass drum throughout that gives you plenty of me to move the woofer around,
but more importantly, the venue was quite large for this recording, and therefore it has a very deep and
large-scale bass signature. This type of track is perfect for the set-up process and should be played at the
Top Bracket
Boom Bracket
21 mm
Flat Head
Screws (x5)