User Manual

Stereo connecon (Powered Speaker connecon)
Connect RCA from output to right input for mono or both le and right for stereo.
• Adjust LEVEL control to 10 o’clock.
• Adjust CROSSOVER control to 10 o’clock.
• Plug in AC cord.
• Power on with switch next to AC input.
• Set toggle below STATUS light to ON.
• Fine tune LEVEL control to blend with powered speakers.
• Fine tune CROSSOVER control to blend.
Note: The relaonship between the CROSSOVER and LEVLEL will become inverse, meaning that small
increases in CROSSOVER may require similar decreases in LEVEL.
Note: Place carefully, While your REL has been designed to be extremely easy to posion and achieve excellent
results, careful placement along the same wall as the screen will yield improvements. Listen for increases in
deep bass output as well as precision of bass notes when seng up.
Phase Orientaon
Once connected, we need to adjust for phase. This may be the single most crical step, and because it really
is quite simple, it is oen over-thought. Keep in mind; the right phase is whichever posion is the loudest or
fullest. While playing music with true low bass, adjust the crossover to a point where the REL and the speaker
are sure to share frequencies at 50Hz on the crossover control, or slightly higher for smaller speakers. At
this point turn the HI/LO LEVEL control up so that both the REL and speaker are roughly equal in volume and
then switch, using the phase switch, from “0” to “180” phase posions. Again, whichever posion is loudest
or fullest is the correct posion. That is, when the posion is working in harmony with your main speakers,
reinforcing bass, not canceling it.