User Manual

Power Saving Efficiency:
All REL sub bass system designs utilize a true On-Off switch that affords the owner the
ability to turn off their unit completely, without having to unplug the A/C mains cord.
When a REL sub bass system is switched off using the On-Off switch on the rear panel it
draws ZERO power.
In addition to the efficient power-at-idle exhibited by all REL models, the SerieS also
features an automatic standby mode that is enabled when the power mode switch on the
rear of the unit is set to the “STANDBY” position. In this mode, the input signal is
constantly monitored for audio activity. If not audio information is detected over a
period of 30 minutes, the unit will enter a low power standby mode in which less power
is consumed. When input signal activity is detected, the unit resumes normal operation.
By using the standby mode, you can ensure that there is no unnecessary power draw
when the unit is not in use.
Note: Due to variations in program material, it is impossible to produce a perfectly
reliable standby circuit. Bass rich music or effects will consistently trigger our standby
circuit whilst content that is low in volume and possesses little or no bass cannot be relied
upon to trip the standby function.
Alternatively, the user has the option to leave the unit in the normal operation mode at all
times by selecting the “ALWAYS ON” position of the power mode switch. Leaving a
REL on, produces the best sonic performance and the most reliable operation. In this
mode, the unit will not enter standby regardless of whether or not there is activity at the
input. Using this setting ensures that the SerieS is ready to react instantaneously to bass
transients, whether in music of movies.
The REL SerieS is shipped in the “ALWAYS ON” mode with the wireless receiver