User Manual

Dear REL Owner,
Thank you for the purchase of your new Predator, HT/1508, our new agship of the Home Theatre range.
You see, for more than a quarter century, REL have built the most remarkable dual-purpose powered
subwoofers; we call them Sub Bass Systems. Subs capable of rendering music at an unimaginably high level,
yet also able to pound out powerful theater when called upon to do so.
But what if we didn’t require both to be accomplished with equal facility? What if we built a purpose-specic
range designed, in the case of Predator, just to deliver devastang home theater bass? Might we not be able
to deliver more output, more of the extreme volume levels theater can call for at lower cost than a true
dual-purpose fully specied tradional REL?
The answer is an unqualied “Yes”! Predator delivers extreme levels of output and the truly visceral thrill
of movies and does so at a cost that is remarkably aordable.
Predator combines a 15 inch Carbon Glas™ long stroke, lightweight driver with a conservavely run
800 Wa linear power supply amplier to deliver extraordinary theatre dynamics, and does so at an
extremely aracve price; a truly fantasc value.
We believe Predator will open up the world of REL to a large body of enthusiasts, old and new, and in doing
so deliver the magical world of theater sound in a uniquely REL way.
John Hunter
Lead Designer, Owner
Dear Friend and Valued Customer