User Manual

smooth out the overall in-room response. While it takes a lile pracce (and generally a gentle hand on the
controls is highly recommended) the results are highly grafying. Use it to gently ll in an area that requires
more output and then gently cut bass in the upper range that is too exuberant.
A Beauful Body: The curvaceous cabinet is designed to push further the experience of minimizing internal
cabinet resonances by creang a curvilinear cabinet that does not permit any single frequency from building
up a dominant mode. It is this s, fully-braced like a ne musical instrument design that allows the full
palee of tonal colors to emerge from No.25 along with the prodigious dynamics for which it is quickly
becoming known. Even the Bass String™ grille has been designed with an eye to beauty and airow, allowing
enormous displacement of air to pass through without restricon, where a convenonal grille would muddy
the sound.
In sum, the No.25 puts into pracce all the many lessons – and more – learnt by REL along its 25 year
journey-to-date. We look forward to enjoying the next 25 with you, many thanks for allowing us to serve you.
John Hunter