User Manual

lter 2, and the Hi/Lo Level control on the remote changes the level of EQ lter 2. Each lter has a frequency
range from 20Hz to 90Hz. The level set of each lter is +/- 6 dB in 1/3 dB increments.
LED Display
An LED display is located on the upper right front of No.25. All funcons that are user adjustable via the
remote control can be seen here. The display reverts to o a few seconds aer adjustment. The top three
characters indicate the parameter being controlled by the remote and the boom two numbers indicate
the value of the parameter controlled.
Parameter Display
High/Low Level HL
.1 Level .1
Crossover Frequency CO
Phase PH
Parametric EQ1 E1
Parametric EQ2 E2
Ambient Control
No.25 has an array of ambient lights on each side, outboard of the feet. The intensity of these lights can
be controlled with the 4 posion AMBITET CONTROL switch. Starng with the switch in the far counter
clockwise posion, the lights are o, as the switch in moved to the next three posions, the intensity will
increase. The ambient lights can be triggered o for theater viewing with a common 12VDC trigger. 0V at
AMBIENT TRIG keeps the lights ON, +12V at this trigger input turns them OFF.
Remote Control Baery Installaon
No.25’s Remote Control Unit requires two AAA baeries. These are not installed but are supplied. To install
or replace baeries in the Remote Control Unit, rst remove the boom aluminum cover by using the
supplied 2.5mm Hex key to loosen the two visible screws. With the boom cover removed, you will see a
baery holder, which will accept two AAA baeries. Follow the images on the holder for proper orientaon
of the baeries. Aer installing the baeries, test the unit by seng the SECURITY switch to UNLOCK and
turning one of the knobs. If the baeries are installed properly, you will see one of the red LEDs on the
remote control’s front panel illuminate. Replace the boom cover and ghten the two screws using the
supplied Hex key. Baery life can be extended if the SECURITY toggle switch is le in the LOCK posion
when the Remote Control is not in use.