Operation Manual

REL R-Series Owner’s Manual 17
This is a necessarily simplified description of what actually happens, but in effect,
Set-Safe controls the amplifier and ensures there is minimum risk of amplifier and
driver damage caused by over-driving.
A thermal overload device is fitted to all R-Series Sub-Bass Systems. If the unit is
deliberately overdriven this device will sense the temperature rise and cut the output;
recovery time is approximately five minutes. If this happens, it is a warning that the unit
is being overdriven and the volume level control should be reduced to a safe level.
Although everything possible has been done to minimize risk of thermal overload failure,
there can be no defense against those individuals who deliberately abuse the device.
Such damage is NOT covered by Warranty. Please remember your REL is there to
supplement your main system, not overwhelm it!
PowerSaving Efficiency
All REL Sub-Bass Systems are designed for maximum power efficiency, both when
passing a signal through to its resultant output sound into the room and also when silent.
REL circuitry is designed for “power starvation” operation under no signal conditions.
This means that immediately when there is a gap in the signal the REL is instantly at
maximum power saving efficiency, yet remains at maximum readiness to respond
immediately to a sudden transient signal, such as an explosion in a movie, even after
a long quiet period and regardless of level.
This compares to some “auto power on/off systems” which remain powered up for a
set period of no-signal condition (up to 10-15 minutes) and which need to power-up
on receipt of a sudden transient, thus failing to catch the start of that transient. There
is also the possibility of the unit remaining inoperative during listening sessions where
the overall volume is low.
It is not necessary to switch off between listening sessions – it will not significantly
shorten its life by leaving it switched on. On the other hand, it will not harm sound
quality if it is always switched off. The power consumption in the quiescent (no signal)
state is negligible. RELs power starvation technology uses less than 4w when idle
(less than 1/25th the power of a standard light bulb).
It is perfectly safe under all normal domestic circumstances as it is fully protected by
internal fuses and an external mains fuse in the fuse holder of the mains input socket,
with a spare inside this holder.