User Manual

REL Theater Reference™ Home Cinema Applications
For Dolby Digital AC3 or other 5.1 theater systems, once the standard set-up for two-channel outlined
above is complete, the LFE output from the processor or receiver should be connected to the .1/LFE input
and appropriate volume adjustments made using the .1/LFE LEVEL control. For this configuration, you must
set the processor to the “large” or “full range” setting for the left and right speakers in order for the REL to
receive the bass signal via the HIGH LEVEL cable. In this configuration, the REL provides support for both
the left and right speakers for two-channel listening, and support for the LFE when movies are playing.
Most processors will allow you to defeat the subwoofer output when listening in the two-channel mode.
The effect of this set-up is one of greatly increased dynamics in the mid-bass range, no bass bloat, and a
greater degree of space and timing from the special audio effects.
REL Theater Reference 3D Bass™
While slightly more complicated than the basic REL Theater Reference scheme, use of three RELs produces
a number of noteworthy benefits and proves the most cost effective method of achieving professional Dolby
5.1 standard bass performance. REL Theater Reference 3D Bass™ produces true full range performance
from the three primary zones of reproduction in theater sound resulting in a far more natural and
immersive experience than ANY single sub can produce.
1 The main L/R speakers should be connected to the primary REL using REL Theater Reference
connection. This unit forms the foundation of your theater systems performance and so should be
perfectly matched to ones main speakers.
2 In the rear corner (ideally that which is opposite the primary sub), connect a second REL to the rear
speakers using REL Theater Reference connectivity. The purpose of the rear channel REL is to ensure
proper front-to-rear balance and weight; too often virtually ALL the power and weight in a theater
comes from the front and it produces unnatural weighting as well as hot spots. By placing a rear REL
diagonally opposite, bass transects the room on a tangent and has the effect of greatly smoothing
overall in-room response of your RELs. This unit need not be a duplicate of your primary REL; instead
it should match well with your surround speakers.