User's Manual

Table Of Contents
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KNG Mobile Operation
Transmit Secure [SEC]
When SEC is on, encrypted channels programmed for switchable encryption will
transmit an encrypted signal.
NOTE: The SEC switch has no e󰀨ect on channels programmed as Encrypted Only
or Clear Only.
Channels in the Ready-to-Transmit Encrypted mode will display the symbol on the
top line of the LCD.
When receiving an encrypted signal a ashing symbol will be displayed.
When transmitting or receiving an encrypted signal, the TX/RX LED will alternate
Transmit Secure selection can be assigned as a touch screen button, menu list item
or to a microphone function button.
Transmit Encryption Key Selection [KEY]
The radio can hold up to 32 DES or AES encryption keys. Each channel is assigned
a default key for transmit. The key can be locked to the channel, or if programming
allows, a transmit key other than the default key can be selected from the radio’s Key
Pick List.