Operation Manual

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Starts and stops a loaded track in the selected deck
Set Cue + Play Cue
If no cue point is set, a new point will be created
If a cue point has already been set, by pressing the cue button the track will
play from this position as long as the button is being pushed
List/tree browse, open
browse mode
Navigation through the list view (> normal mode)
Shift + turning the track wheel: navigation through tree view (> normal mode)
Pressing the track knob: opens browse mode (>browse mode)
Seek (Search)
Searches through a track (acceleration depending on degree of turning)
Tree navigation, Open/
Close folders
Navigation through tree view (> normal mode)
Open and close folders (> browse mode)
Loop size
Adjusts the loop's size
Effect rotation
Navigates through the list of available effects of active deck
Deck switch
Switches deck control; the selected deck is shown on the RMP-3's display (11)
Displays selected deck
Selected deck is shown on the RMP-3's display (11)
Loop IN
Sets loop-in point for the selected deck
Loop OUT
Sets loop-out point for the selected deck; the set interval is looped
Beat loop
Automatically sets a loop depending on the selected size
Hot cues/effect buttons
Triggers saves hot cues (1-4) (> normal mode)
Shift + hot cues: triggers saved hot cues (5-8) (> normal mode)
Activates effect buttons of effect unit asociated to the selected deck [A-e1,
B-e2, C-e3, D-e4] (> effect mode)
Store cue
Stores cue points in the track bank
Cue/Play mode
Pressing the Cue/Play mode button returns to playback mode (> normal mode),
deactivates effect (> effect mode) and scratch mode
Jog Wheel: Pitch bend/
scratch/ effect modulation/
Pitch bend (> normal mode)
Scratch (if Scratch button has been pressed)
Effect modulation during > effect mode - Browsing capabilities during > browse mode
Load track
Loads track selected in list view
FX Activate
Pressing FX in deck A: assign effect unit 1
Pressing Shift + FX in deck A: assign effect unit 2
Pressing FX in deck B: assign effect unit 2
Pressing Shift + FX in deck B: assign effect unit 1
Pressing FX in deck C: assign effect unit 3
Pressing Shift + FX in deck C: assign effect unit 4
Pressing FX in deck D: assign effect unit 4
Pressing Shift + FX in deck D: assign effect unit 3
Key lock
Activates/deactivates key lock
Pitch/Volume fader/Dry-
Pitch during > normal mode
Shift + moving the slider: adjust volume of selected deck
Dry/wet function of corresponding effect unit during > effect mode
Jog lock
Locks the Jog Wheel completely to prevent unintended pitch bend/scratch/effect
modulation/browsing capabilities
Pitch bend/automatic
Pitch bend
Shift + pitch bend buttons: automatically moves the crossfader to the left/right side
Jog: X parameter
FX parameter 1 during > effect mode
Tree navigation during > browse mode
Slow scratch during activated scratch mode
Jog: Y parameter
FX parameter 2 during > effect mode
List scrolling during >browse mode
Fast scratch during activated scratch mode
Effect select
Select an effect that is assigned to a corresponding effect unit
Effect mode
Activates/deactivates > effect mode
Loop size
Directly adjusts the loop's size
Sync/Set to master
Syncs selected deck to master deck
Shift + Sync: Sets selected deck to master deck
Pushing the TAP button to the beat of the music sets the manual BPM value
Allows a second function for certain controls