
Command Summary - 1
Command Syntax Purpose
ABS n=ABS(m) Returns absolute value of a number
AIN n=AIN(channel) Returns result of A/D conversion
AND n = a AND b Performs logical AND
AOT AOT channel,value Sends data to a D/A converter
ASC n=ASC(m$) Returns ASCII code for first character
ATN n = ATN(m) Returns the arctangent
BCD n = BCD(m) Converts binary to BCD
BIN n=BIN(m) Converts packed BCD to binary
BIN$ a$ = BIN$(m) Converts 8–bit number to string
BIT n=BIT(I/O address,bit) Reads specific bit at address
BIT BIT addr,bit,value Writes bit at address
CALL CALL addr [,m1][,m2] Call assembly program and pass data
CHR$ n$=CHR$(m) Converts number to character equivalent
n$=CHR$(m,n) Returns a string m characters with length n
CLEAR CLEAR[string] Clears variables, sets string space
CLEAR COM$ CLEAR COM$ n Resets serial input buffer
CLEAR COUNT CLEAR COUNT n Clears count in software counter
CLEAR TICK CLEAR TICK n Resets internal system clock to 0
CLS CLS[#n] Clears screen
COM$ n$=COM$(n) Returns string from serial input buffer
CONFIG CONFIG n Initializes system parameters
CONT CONT Resumes program execution
COS n=COS(m) Returns cosign of m to n
COUNT n=COUNT(m) Returns the count in software counters
DATA DATA constant Stores numeric and string data
DATE$ a$=DATE$(n) Returns date from calendar/clock
DATE$=string Writes to calendar/clock
DEC DEC variable Decrements variable by 1
DECF DECF variable Decrements variable by 4
DELETE DELETE–]line[line][–] Deletes CAMBASIC program lines
DELAY DELAY n Delays program by n seconds
DIM DIM variable (value) Specifies max size for array variables
DISPLAY DISPLAY a$ Writes data to display