User's Manual

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Universal Dragon™ Installation Guide
This guide provides users with step by step instructions on how to install the Universal Dragon™
-1.0 GHz or greater processor (CPU)
-Windows 2000 and Windows XP
-650 MB Hard Drive space (you will need more as your libraries and projects expand)
-256 MB RAM (512MB preferred)
-Mouse, Keyboard, USB port
The new Universal Dragon™ software requires the latest ‘.NET’ and a Microsoft InstallShield update
in order to ensure that the latest version of the software is installed. These updates require an internet
connection during the installation process, as well as a licensed installation of Microsoft Windows
2000 or XP.
Please note: The Microsoft ‘.NET’ download can be very large (up to 70MB). If you do not have a fast
internet connection this can take a very long time.
NOTE: For the convenience of the installer, the Universal Dragon™ CD-ROM also contains a
complete set of Application Notes, the Xantech Product Catalog, Factory Learned IR Codes.
1. Double click on the installation program.
2. The installation process will begin: