User's Manual Part 2

Click on the file name. Click [Open].
The image will be imported. Use the scroll bar
to go to the bottom of the image if needed.
Click on the red square in the corner of the
image and drag to resize the image.
To delete the image, click on it and press the
<Delete> key.
If you click and drag the red square at the
bottom or side, you will stretch/shrink the
image vertically or horizontally, respectively.
Click [Done] when finished.
If you decide not to use a graphic, click on
[Edit] and then [Replace Graphic] to select a
new image.
When you have finished adjusting your
graphic, click [Done] and then [Save] to save your changes.
Note: To limit the size of your assignment files, limit the use of imported graphics, and/or import only smaller
graphics files.
Spelling Check
To check the spelling in your assignments, in the
Assignment tab, click on the assignment name and
click [Edit] to open the Assignment Editor.
Click on the Assignments drop-down menu and go to
Spelling and then click Check. (In Windows press
<Ctrl + l> and for Macintosh press <Command + l> to
start spelling check.)