User's Manual Part 2

Correct Answer at A: Notice as you type in your assignment items, that by default, you always type your
correct answer at A. This makes assignment data entry easy.
AccelTest can shuffle your item answers so that the correct answer will not always be A on the
assignment the students receive.
The Shuffle drop-down menu allows you to select, for each individual item, None (no shuffle),
a-b shuffle, and a-c shuffle (with default 4 answer choices). All (shuffle all) is the default setting.
If you have selected more item answers (click on the Choices drop down menu), your shuffle options
increase correspondingly up to 9, and decrease if you selected less than 4.
Setting “Type correct answer here” Position: You can change an item’s correct answer position from the
default A to B, for example.
If you want to change the position of
your correct answer to B, for example,
click on the answer field for B and type
in your correct answer; then, enter a
Distracter (incorrect answer) in A.
Next, click on the Answer field, below
your answer choices, and replace A
with B.
Changing Item Point Value: To change
an item’s point value, click on the
Points field, and enter the new point
value. The total points for the
Assignment will reflect this items point
Saving Changes: Click on the [Done]
button and then [Save] to save changes.
To give this assignment to your students, see“Add Assignments to Gradebook and Assign to Students” on
page 21.
Note: By default, student copy variations
will show different positions (letters) for the
corrent answer with All selected in the
Shuffle drop down menu.