User's Manual Part 2

Click on the [Options] button in the Spell
Check dialog box or Options in the
Assignments drop-down menu to open the
Spell Check Options dialog box.
To enable an option, click on the check box
next to it. The options include:
Suggest word phonetically
Suggest split words
Ignore words in all caps
Ignore words with mixed digits
Click [OK] after you change options.
In the Spell Check dialog box, when you see a
word in the Not in Dictionary box, you can
choose to Ignore (Ignore All), Change (Change All), or Add (to dictionary). Click [Close].
Validate Assignment
When you complete work on an
assignment, or when you import an
assignment, you should check it with
AccelTest’s Validate feature. Validate
checks for Missing Fonts, Blank
Answer Field, and Blank Points Field.
To validate an assignment, in the
Assignment tab, click on the
assignment and click [Edit] to open
the Assignment Editor.
In the Assignments drop-down
menu, click on Validate. When the
validation is completed you should
see a message stating no problems
were found.