User's Manual

Table Of Contents
About the Renaissance Receivers and Responders
Will students have to point their Responders or NEO 2
laptops directly at the Renaissance Receiver in order to
get their responses accepted?
No. The 2Know! classroom response system uses Radio Frequency (RF)
technology, which is not blocked by line-of-sight obstructions. The answer is
recorded as long as the device is within the range of the receiver (up to 150
What radio technology does 2Know! use?
2Know! operates in the public 2.4 GHz band, the frequency used by WiFi,
Bluetooth, and other wireless devices. The system uses standard IEEE
802.15.4 modulation and communication protocols to avoid interference with
other devices operating in the same area.
Will the system hop to an open channel?
Renaissance Receivers and responders include logic to select a clear channel
from the 15 available channels when the Renaissance Receiver is started.
How does the Renaissance Receiver handle interference?
The system uses Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) in addition to
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA-CA) in order
to communicate when other wireless devices are near.
Will the radio frequency (RF) technology of 2Know!
interfere with my wireless network?
No. The system is designed to work in a “noisy” environment without
interfering with other wireless technology.
What is a “firmware update” and how do I install one on a
Renaissance Responder?
Firmware is the software inside your Renaissance Responders and
Renaissance Receiver. For more information, see page 9.