User's Manual

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R01UH0823EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 221 of 1852
Nov 30, 2020
RX23W Group 10. Clock Frequency Accuracy Measurement Circuit (CAC)
10.2.2 CAC Control Register 1 (CACR1)
Note: Set the CACR1 register when the CACR0.CFME bit is 0.
CACREFE Bit (CACREF Pin Input Enable)
This bit specifies whether the CACREF pin input is enabled or disabled.
FMCS[2:0]Bits (Measurement Target Clock Select)
These bits select the measurement target clock whose frequency is to be measured.
TCSS[1:0] Bits (Timer Count Clock Source Select)
These bits select the count clock source for the clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit.
EDGES[1:0]Bits (Valid Edge Select)
These bits select the valid edge for the reference signal.
Address(es): 0008 B001h
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
EDGES[1:0] TCSS[1:0] FMCS[2:0]
Value after reset:
Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W
b0 CACREFE CACREF Pin Input Enable 0: CACREF pin input is disabled.
1: CACREF pin input is enabled.
b3 to b1 FMCS[2:0] Measurement Target Clock Select
b3 b1
0 0 0: Main clock
0 0 1: Sub-clock
0 1 0: HOCO clock
0 1 1: LOCO clock
1 0 0: IWDT-dedicated clock (IWDTCLK)
1 0 1: Peripheral module clock B (PCLKB)
Settings other than above are prohibited.
b5, b4 TCSS[1:0] Timer Count Clock Source Select
b5 b4
0 0: No division
0 1: ×1/4 clock
1 0: ×1/8 clock
1 1: ×1/32 clock
b7, b6 EDGES[1:0] Valid Edge Select
b7 b6
0 0: Rising edge
0 1: Falling edge
1 0: Both rising and falling edges
1 1: Setting prohibited