User's Manual

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R01UH0823EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 330 of 1852
Nov 30, 2020
RX23W Group 17. Memory-Protection Unit (MPU)
17.2.2 Region-n End Page Number Register (REPAGEn) (n = 0 to 7)
V Bit (Valid Bit
This bit enables or disables the settings for the corresponding region.
This bit is cleared to 0 when the region invalidation operation register (MPOPI) invalidates all access-controlled areas.
UAC[2:0] Bits (Access Control Bits in User Mode
These bits specify the access control in user mode.
REPN[27:0] Bit
s (
Region-End Page Number
These bits specify the page number where the region ends.
Specify a value that is greater than or equal to the page number where the corresponding region starts. The page specified
by the region-end page number is part of the target region for memory protection.
Address(es): REPAGE0 0008 6404h, REPAGE1 0008 640Ch, REPAGE2 0008 6414h, REPAGE3 0008 641Ch,
REPAGE4 0008 6424h, REPAGE5 0008 642Ch, REPAGE6 0008 6434h, REPAGE7 0008 643Ch
b31 b30 b29 b28 b27 b26 b25 b24 b23 b22 b21 b20 b19 b18 b17 b16
Value after reset:
b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
REPN[27:0] UAC[2:0] V
Value after reset:
x: Undefined
Bit Symbol Bit Name Description R/W
b0 V Valid Bit 0: Region setting invalid
1: Region setting valid
b3 to b1 UAC[2:0] Access Control Bits in User
0: Reading prohibited
1: Reading permitted
0: Writing prohibited
1: Writing permitted
0: Execution prohibited
1: Execution permitted
b31 to b4 REPN[27:0] Region-End Page Number Page number where the region ends, for use in region determination R/W