User's Manual

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R01UH0823EJ0110 Rev.1.10 Page 51 of 1852
Nov 30, 2020
RX23W Group
Renesas MCUs
32-bit RXv2 CPU core
Max. operating frequency: 54 MHz
Capable of 88.56 DMIPS in operation at 54 MHz
Enhanced DSP: 32-bit multiply-accumulate and 16-bit
multiply-subtract instructions supported
Built-in FPU: 32-bit single-precision floating point (compliant to
Divider (fastest instruction execution takes two CPU clock cycles)
Fast interrupt
CISC Harvard architecture with 5-stage pipeline
Variable-length instructions, ultra-compact code
On-chip debugging circuit
Memory protection unit (MPU) supported
Low power design and architecture
Operation from a single 1.8-V to 3.6-V supply
RTC capable of operating on the battery backup power supply
Three low power consumption modes
Low power timer (LPT) that operates during the software standby state
On-chip flash memory for code
384- to 512-Kbyte capacities
On-board or off-board user programming
Programmable at 1.8 V
For instructions and operands
On-chip data flash memory
8 Kbytes (1,000,000 program/erase cycles (typ.))
BGO (Background Operation)
On-chip SRAM, no wait states
64-Kbyte size capacities
Data transfer functions
DMAC: Incorporates four channels
DTC: Four transfer modes
Module operation can be initiated by event signals without using
Linked operation between modules is possible while the CPU is sleeping.
Reset and supply management
Eight types of reset, including the power-on reset (POR)
Low voltage detection (LVD) with voltage settings
Clock functions
Main clock oscillator frequency: 1 to 20 MHz
External clock input frequency: Up to 20 MHz
Sub-clock oscillator frequency: 32.768 kHz
Frequency of Bluetooth-dedicated clock oscillator: 32 MHz
PLL circuit input: 4 MHz to 12.5 MHz
On-chip low- and high-speed oscillators, dedicated on-chip low-speed
oscillator for the IWDT
USB-dedicated PLL circuit: 4, 6, 8, or 12 MHz
54 MHz can be set for the system clock and 48 MHz for the USB clock
Generation of a dedicated 32.768-kHz clock for the RTC
Clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit (CAC)
Realtime clock
Adjustment functions (30 seconds, leap year, and error)
Calendar count mode or binary count mode selectable
Time capture function
Time capture on event-signal input through external pins
Independent watchdog timer
15-kHz on-chip oscillator produces a dedicated clock signal to drive
IWDT operation.
Useful functions for IEC60730 compliance
Self-diagnostic and disconnection-detection assistance functions for
the A/D converter, clock frequency accuracy measurement circuit,
independent watchdog timer, RAM test assistance functions using the
DOC, etc.
Capacitive touch sensing unit
Self-capacitance method: A single pin configures a single key,
supporting up to 12 keys
Mutual capacitance method: Matrix configuration with 12 pins, supporting
up to 36 keys
Up to 12 communication functions
Bluetooth Low Energy (1 channel)
An RF transceiver and link layer compliant with the Bluetooth 5.0 Low
Energy specification
LE 1M PHY, LE 2M PHY, LE Coded PHY (125 kbps and 500 kbps),
and LE Advertising extension support
On-chip Bluetooth-dedicated AES-CCM (128-bit blocks) encryption
The 83-pin LGA product has been certified as compliant with radio-
related laws (in Japan, North America, and Europe).
The 83-pin LGA product includes a small PCB trace antenna.
USB 2.0 host/function/On-The-Go (OTG) (one channel),
full-speed = 12 Mbps, low-speed = 1.5 Mbps, isochronous transfer, and
BC (Battery Charger) supported
CAN (one channel) compliant to ISO11898-1:
Transfer at up to 1 Mbps
SCI with many useful functions (up to 4 channels)
Asynchronous mode, clock synchronous mode, smart card interface
Reduction of errors in communications using the bit modulation
IrDA interface (one channel, in cooperation with the SCI5)
C bus interface: Transfer at up to 400 kbps, capable of SMBus
operation (one channel)
RSPI (one channel): Transfer at up to 16 Mbps
Serial sound interface (one channel)
SD host interface (optional: one channel) SD memory/ SDIO 1-bit or
4-bit SD bus supported
Up to 19 extended-function timers
16-bit MTU: input capture, output compare, complementary PWM
output, phase counting mode (five channels)
16-bit TPU: input capture, output compare, phase counting mode (six
8-bit TMR (four channels)
16-bit compare-match timers (four channels)
12-bit A/D converter
Capable of conversion within 0.83 μs
14 channels
Sampling time can be set for each channel
Self-diagnostic function and analog input disconnection detection
assistance function
12-bit D/A converter
Two channels
Analog comparator
Two channels × one unit
General I/O ports
5-V tolerant, open drain, input pull-up, switching of driving capacity
Encryption functions (TSIP-Lite)
Unauthorized access to the encryption engine is disabled and
imposture and falsification of information are prevented
Safe management of keys
128- or 256-bit key length of AES for ECB, CBC, GCM, others
True random number generator
Temperature sensor
Operating temperature range
•−40 to +85°C
85-pin BGA, 56-pin QFN: General industrial and consumer equipment
83-pin LGA: Consumer equipment
PTLG0083KA-A 6.1 × 9.5 mm, 0.5 mm pitch
PTBG0085KB-A 5.5 × 5.5 mm, 0.5 mm pitch
PVQN0056LA-A 7 × 7 mm, 0.4 mm pitch
54-MHz 32-bit RX MCUs, built-in FPU, 88.56 DMIPS, up to 512-KB flash memory,
5.0, various communication functions including USB 2.0 full-speed host/function/OTG, CAN,
SD host interface, serial sound interface, capacitive touch sensing unit, 12-bit A/D converter,
12-bit D/A converter, RTC, Encryption functions
Nov 30, 2020