Installation guide

Installing the SPA1 21
4.4 Functions of the SPA drive potentiometers
The SPA drives have 5 potentiometers located at the front of the SPA1 when fitted. The functions of the
are as detailed below – please refer to figure 13.
Fig 13 - Locations of potentiometers on the drive
4.4.1 Ramp
Adjust the potentiometer to increase or decrease the time from 0 second to 2 seconds for the motor to
reach maximum speed (with a 10 V speed reference signal). To disable ramps set the potentiometer at
the fully anti-clockwise position (this should be the initial starting point position).
4.4.2 Derivative
Turn the potentiometer clockwise to reduce the amount of overshoot in the system response by
increasing the derivative gain of the PID amplifier.
4.4.3 Proportional
Turn the potentiometer clockwise to increase the proportional gain of the PID amplifier.
4.4.4 Zero offset
Adjust this potentiometer to cancel any offset in the external speed reference signal.
4.4.5 Max speed
Turn the potentiometer anti-clockwise to reduce the maximum motor speed to 50%. Turn the
potentiometer clockwise to increase the maximum motor speed to 120%.