Operator`s manual

Advanced Haas Mill Programming Techniques Training Manual Page 16
Below is an example of a Pockets & Tools file. Interpretation of the file is somewhat counter intuitive. The
Ts represent pocket positions while the P represent Tool numbers. L72 represents a heavy tool and L32
represents a regular tool. T01 represents a tool in the spindle. T02 represents a pocket position #1. Per
table below Tool 19 (P19) would be in pocket position #1. In the third line Tool 20 (P20) would be in pocket
position #2 (T03). The spindle probe is T24. In line four we find T24 (P24) in pocket position #3 (T04) noted
as a heavy tool (L72).
T01 P1 L32
T02 P19 L32
T03 P20 L32
T04 P24 L72
T05 P4 L32
T06 P9 L32
T07 P11 L72
T08 P14 L32
T09 P17 L32
T10 P15 L32
T11 P6 L32
T12 P5 L32
T13 P2 L32
T14 P10 L32
T15 P16 L32
T16 P3 L32
T17 P12 L32
T18 P7 L32
T19 P23 L32
T20 P21 L32
T21 P25 L32
T22 P8 L32
T23 P22 L32
T24 P18 L32
T25 P13 L32