Operator`s manual

Advanced Haas Mill Programming Techniques Training Manual Page 23
G12, G13 Circular Pocket Milling
Used for milling circular pockets
G12 [D.. ] [F ] [I] [K ] [L] [Q] [Z] (Clockwise move)
G13 is used for counter clockwise moves
D - Tool radius offset selection
F Feed rate
I - Radius of first circle(or finished circle if no K)
K - Radius of finished circle (optional)
L - Loop count for deeper pockets (used with a G91)
Q - Incremental radius step (required with K)
Z - Depth of cut (or increment with L)
G12 and G13 are Non-modal
Cutter Compensation is included in this routine
Use D00 to ignore tool offset
Use I without K and Q for small pockets or holes
When using K and Q, only K should be the radius of the desired finished pocket
Position cutter in a previous block or add an X and Y to the G12/G13 line
Example of one pass milling using only the I variable.
Milling a 0.8 diameter 0.5 deep pocket using an 0.5 end mill. The picture shows the tool path for the
code given. Note with G12 a clockwise rotation is created where the mill is conventional cutting.
G12 Z-0.5 I0.4 D01 F15