Operator`s manual

Advanced Haas Mill Programming Techniques Training Manual Page 26
Example of Arc On Arc Off Using G41 Cutter Compensation
In this example the tool starts ½ away from the edge of the finished part. It turns on and off tool
compensation with a ½ move parallel to the surface of the part. It creates a ½ radius when it arcs on and
off. It forms a 90 degree arc. The arrows on G41 indicate the moves when cutter compensation is turned
on. It then arcs onto the contour part. The tool then machines the finish profile of the part till it gets to the
position it started from and arcs off the part. The G40 arrow indicates where the cutter compensation is
turned off.
T2 M06 (.375 END MILL)
G00 G90 G54 X0. Y1.25 S5000 M03
G43 H02 Z1. M08
G01 Z-0.3 F50.
G01 G41 D02 X-0.5 F50.
G03 X0. Y0.75 R0.5 F50.
G01 X1.94
G02 X2. Y0.69 R0.06
G01 Y-0.69
G02 X1.94 Y-0.75 R0.06
G01 X-1.94
G02 X-2. Y-0.69 R0.06
G01 Y0.69
G02 X-1.94 Y0.75 R0.06
G01 X0.
G03 X0.5 Y1.25 R0.5
G01 G40 X0.
G00 Z0.1 M09
G53 Z0