Operator`s manual

Advanced Haas Mill Programming Techniques Training Manual Page 32
(\) Block Delete Application
Block Delete, also called Optional Skip, determines what happens when a line of code has a back slash mark
(/). On Haas controls a Block Delete key is located on the Memory line of the Mode Keys. When it is
depressed a Block Delete in black background appears on the lower right hand corner of the Control
Screen. When the control of the machine sees a back slash it looks to see if the Block Delete is active.
If it sees that the Block Delete function is active it ignores the whole line of code or skips to the next line of
Turning Coolant Off/On
For instance a line of code contains a M08 to turn on the coolant along with a Block Delete(\)
If the Block Delete is active the machine will not turn on the coolant and skip to the next line of code.
In this manner whether the machine turns on the coolant or not may be controlled by the Block Delete