Operator`s manual

Advanced Haas Mill Programming Techniques Training Manual Page 47
Datum Shift
In the print below we have a repeating bolt hold pattern in 4 different places. It would be nice to program
the pattern once and repeat it three times just by shifting the center over. This is possible by using a datum
shift. This can be performed by using local coordinate system G52. G52 is a coordinate system within a
parent system (G54-G59). G52 is also called a child coordinate or global coordinate. What it does is any
value in the G52 register will be added to any of the parent G54 to G59 or extra work offset values. What it
does is temporarily transfer the part zero. In Haas milling machines G52 is refer as global work coordinate
shift. It will be set to zero by a G92 command, when the power is turned on, or reset is pressed. After it is
used it should be set back to zero with G52 X0 Y0 Z0.