Operator`s manual

Advanced Haas Mill Programming Techniques Training Manual Page 63
Helical Ramping
Helical interpolation can be used for drilling or plunge cutting into solid materials. Normally it is necessary
to pre drill a hole undersize and then take the hole to size with an end mill. If an end mill is center cut
ground it may also be plunged into solid material however it is not very fast and tool life may be limited. In
the above situations all the cutting is done on the end of the tool. Using helical ramping the cutting is done
on the cutter sides not the bottom. With helical ramping a series of circular motions moving along with
incremental pitch Z motions remove the material. Helical interpolation can be used to drill holes of various
sizes with only one tool. It is good for creating a hole with interrupted cuts. It also requires less power to
create the hole with respect to drilling.
Generally speaking the cutter used should be a shoulder type cutter (90 degrees). Maximum diameter to
cut is twice the cutter diameter. Smallest recommended cut in the range of 1.1 to 1.3 times the diameter.
The depth of cut is referred to as the pitch. This would be the z cut depth per revolution. In inch the
maximum range of recommended cuts are .047 to .300 depending on the cutter geometry. Consult your
tool supplier representatives. Most CAM software programs have capability to created hole using helical
Below are illustrations of tool paths using Helical Milling in Drill applications, creating a hole using helical