User Manual

Symptom Cause Action
No LEDs lit on interface No power to interface Check wiring
Interface status LEDs do
not correspond to status
Radio link failure – probe out of
interface range
Check position of interface.
Probe has been enclosed/shielded by
Review installation
Interface and probe are not partnered Partner interface and probe
Interface probe status
LED continually lit red
Dead probe batteries Change probe batteries
Interface error LED lit
during probing cycle
Damaged cable Check wiring
Loss of power Check wiring
Dead probe batteries Change probe batteries
Interface error LED
illuminated during
intended probing cycle
Probe not switched on Check configuration and alter as
Probe out of range Check position of interface
All interface LEDs flashing Wiring fault Check wiring
Output over-current Check wiring, turn power to interface
off and on again to reset
Interface low battery LED
Low equipment batteries Change equipment batteries soon
Reduced range Local radio interference Identify and move