User's Guide

Appendix 1
3. Error
Red Error, other outputs may
be incorrect.
Off: No Error.
4. Signal
Green Full signal strength.
Yellow Medium signal strength.
Red: Low signal strength, radio
link may fail.
Off No signal detected.
Green/off Flashing: RMI is acquisition
mode, and can acquire a
partner RMP.
Red/yellow Flashing: RMI has (just)
acquired a new partner RMP.
1. The probe status LED will always be
illuminated when power is present, there
is no power present LED/light.
2. All the indicators report the status of the
partner RMP. If there is no partner in range,
or the partner is off then the probe status
and error LEDs will be red and the other
LEDs will be off.
3. When the RMI is powered it will enter the
acquire partner mode which will be indicated
by the flashing. After a short time (~12 secs)
it will switch to its normal (passive) mode
listening for its partner.
4. The conditions shown by the low battery,
probe status and error LEDs are the same
as those present on the electrical signal