Technical Specs

What do I do if my leva will not connect to my mobile device?
If your leva PDHS will not connect to your mobile device, make sure the
battery pack on both the probe and the case are properly connected. If it
still does not connect, make sure Bluetooth is enabled in your mobile
device’s settings.
For troubleshooting assistance please contact the Renovia Technical
Excellence Center at (833) 450-2914.
Error Messages
On occasion the App will display a pop-up alert with an error message. The
error messages contain information on how to troubleshoot as well as a
support phone number to contact. The Error messages are included here.
Bluetooth Disconnect
"Bluetooth Connection Failure: Please ensure leva case is nearby
and try again. Contact support at (833) 450-2914 if this issue
Probe Disconnect
Probe Connection Failure: This could be due to low batteries or
poor signal. Contact support at 1 (833) 450-2914 if this issue
Low Battery
This error is displayed when the reported battery level is below
35% but above 5%:
"Low Battery: Warning your leva battery level is getting low. You
may continue with your exercises, but you will need to contact
support at (833) 450-2914 to order a replacement battery pack."